Fibonacci Roulette Strategy
Fibonacci is a well-known and particularly interesting betting system in Roulette. The strategy was named after Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci. It is based on the Fibonacci sequel, which can be found in nature.
History of the Fibonacci Strategy
Leonardo Fibonacci was a medieval Italian mathematician who lived at the turn of the 12th and 13th century. He was also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bigollo, Leonardo Bonacci or simply Fibonacci.
As a young boy Fibonacci travelled a lot with his father Guglielmo who wanted his son to become a merchant. On the journeys he recognized the advantage of the use of Arabic numbers in arithmetic. Later on he had a merit in the use of Arabic numbers in Europe, where Roman numbers had been used by that time.
There is the Fibonacci sequel named after him despite he did not discover it but he only presented it as an example in his book of mathematics Liber Abaci (The Book of the Abacus or The Book of Calculation). The Fibonacci sequel can be truly found in nature, for instance the dynamics of rabbits' reproduction or the layout of sunflower seeds.
The Principle of the Fibonacci System
The Fibonacci Sequel is the following:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377...
The sequel begins with number 1, the next numbers of the sequel are calculated as a sum of the previous two numbers. Because there is no number before the first number (1), the second number is counted as 0 + 1 = 1
. Then the sequel continues in a standard way: the third number is 1 + 1 = 2
, the fourth number is 1 + 2 = 3
and so on.
Fibonacci system uses the even-money bets with the payout ratio 1:1 again, similarly as the other betting strategies. That is why the system can be used also in other games than Roulette.
Begin with 1 unit. If you win, grab the win and start all over with 1 unit. If you lose, place another bet in the amount of unit that equals the next number in the sequel, i.e. 1 unit in the second round, 2 units in the third round, 3 units in the fourth round, 5 units in the fifth round etc.
Every time you win, scratch the last two numbers of the sequel and go on. The principle of the Fibonacci system is illustrated in the exhibit below.
Using Fibonacci System in Roulette
Spin | Your bet in units | Result of the bet | Volume of bet according to the Fibonacci | Balance (profit/loss) | Note |
1. | 1 unit | loss | 1 | -1 | the next number is 1 |
2. | 1 unit | loss | 1 1 | -2 | the next number is 2 |
3. | 2 units | loss | 1 1 2 | -4 | the next number is 3 |
4. | 3 units | loss | 1 1 2 3 | -7 | the next number is 5 |
5. | 5 units | win | 1 1 X X | -2 | scratch the last two numbers (2, 3); the next number is 2 |
6. | 2 units | loss | 1 1 2 | -4 | the next number is 3 |
7. | 3 units | win | 1 X X | -1 | scratch the last two numbers; the next number is 1 |
8. | 1 unit | win | 1 1 | 0 | the next number is 1 |
9. | 1 unit | win | the end | +1 | the sequel end, the result is +1 unit |